Friday, December 10, 2004

It's so hard to keep those combinations of race and politics straight

Media Matters says ...

In her December 9 nationally syndicated column, titled "The new and improved racism," and as a guest on the December 8 edition of FOX News' The O'Reilly Factor, right-wing pundit Ann Coulter continued to accuse liberal and Democratic journalists and politicians of racism for criticizing black conservatives. Coulter also attacked "black liberals," specifically New York Times op-ed columnist Bob Herbert and Times media critic Caryn James, for "launching racist attacks on black conservatives." James, however, is white.

Citing criticisms of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas by the late Washington Post columnist Mary McGrory and former National Prison Project executive director Alvin J. Bronstein, Coulter wrote the following in her December 9 column:

The late Mary McGrory, a white liberal, called [Justice Antonin] Scalia "a brilliant and compelling extremist" -- as opposed to McGrory herself, a garden-variety extremist of average intelligence. But Thomas she dismissed as "Scalia's puppet," quoting another white liberal, Alvin J. Bronstein of the American Civil Liberties Union, to make the point. This is the kind of rhetoric liberals are reduced to when they just can't bring themselves to use the N-word.


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