Boston's SEIU and GBIO
The Boston Herald had an editorial called SEIU's motives are pure politics in the paper yesterday (paid subscription required to access an editorial).In it, the editorial implies that the Service Employees International Union in the Boston area has taken advantage of the Greater Boston Interfaith Organization with respect to a workers "Bill of Rights" that GBIO is calling on nursing home directors to sign demanding workplace standards that - says the editorial "are mostly mandated by state guidelines already".
"Would the marchers have shown up if they knew it was really all about building [ SEIU's national leader Andrew] Stern's political empire? " asks the editorial.
Good question - and I wish I knew the answer to it. My church is a founding member and active supporter of the GBIO. While it's no secret that the GBIO is pro-union, I would be incredibly upset if it turned out the SEIU had an ulterior motive in asking ministers and church members to try to persuade nursing home administrators to sign on the dotted line.
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