Friday, February 04, 2005

Discontinuity and Hope

Peter Bowden in Adventures in Small Group Ministry discusses Lyle E. Schaller's book Discontinuity and Hope.
When congregations give all the ministry to their called professional minister and she or he takes it on, something horrible happens. No, I am not talking about burnout, though that is common. When the minister takes the ministry away from the congregation (or they refuse to take it) the majority of the opportunities for spiritual and personal growth go with it. Did you catch what I just said? Doing ministry is how we stretch, learn and grow spiritually. Give away the ministry and you give away the very reason for church. Well, there are many people who do like pew oriented religious experience where the minister is called upon to do all the ministry, grow spiritually, and preach on related learning to the congregation, challenging all to reflect on the lesson in their own lives. This is backwards.


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