Thursday, March 17, 2005

UUA President Applauds California Court Ruling in Support of Equal Marriage

(March 15, 2005) UUA President William G. Sinkford today issued a statement following yesterday's ruling by the San Francisco, CA Superior Court supporting equal marriage rights for all couples. Sinkford said: "I applaud the San Francisco Superior Court ruling that affirms the right of equal marriage for same-sex couples. Superior Court Justice Richard Kramer stated there was no rational reason for denying marriage to same-sex couples, and I could not agree more.

"The ruling matches our history-our lived experience of over 30 years of having same-sex families openly be a part of our faith. Today, we also celebrate the role of Unitarian Universalists who have worked for Equal Marriage-especially the fine work of the Unitarian Universalist Legislative Ministry of California that coordinated the participation of 65 California UU congregations this winter in the Standing on the Side of Love campaign and delivered 3,800 valentines in support of marriage equality to Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger.

"To the many same-sex couples and Unitarian Universalists in California, I affirm your work and support for justice and equality. Please keep up the good work as we move inexorably to recognition of civil marriage as a civil right."


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