Friday, April 29, 2005

Living wills can be a mortal sin

At least for Catholics in the Madison, Wisconsin area.

NBC15 reports ...

The Bishop of the Madison Diocese is clarifying the church's position on living wills.

Bishop Robert Morlino says he needed to do so because of the debate that erupted over the Terry Schiavo case.

The Bishop received lots of letters and emails asking if living wills were a mortal sin. He answered in a recent edition of the Catholic Herald stating that, "According to the church's doctrine, if a living will gets in the way of medical procedures that could prevent death, even if a person is permanently unconscious, it is a mortal sin."


At 10:57 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What's the deal with all the Catholic bashing on UU and progressive religion blogs? Can't anyone just leave them alone and let them believe what they want? Geez....

At 8:15 AM, Blogger Paul Wilczynski said...

Bashing? Aside from the introductory sentence, there was no commentary in the posting. It was a news article.


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