Cindy Sheeham: Why I was Smiling When I Was Arrested
Cindy Sheehan says ...I had a huge grin on my face when I was getting arrested yesterday. I have received a lot of flak for smiling. Apparently I am not supposed to smile, but I had some really good reasons for doing so.First of all, I was having fun. I was with a group of good-humored, cheerful, happy people. We were singing old protest songs and old Sunday school songs and clapping. I felt I had to be cheerful to set the tone. We didn't want any trouble or to do anything non-peaceful. Secondly, when I got arrested and the officers lifted me out I was afraid that America would see my underwear and that tickled me.
There is another and more important reason that I was smiling. I had not genuinely smiled since Casey was killed in Iraq. ...
I remember when the Lewinsky thing hit the fan, Bill Clinton was walking with Tony Campolo, who was there as a counselor, and laughing. The media skewered Clinton for laughing. I felt bad, because Tony is a funny funny man, and it's really not possible not to laugh around him.
Laughter is as human as shame, tears, or fear. It's only our own projection that leads us to decide what someone else should feel in any given moment.
in my most humble of opinions...
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