"Flip flopping" vs uniformity
Rick Heller at
Transparent Eye has a post referrring to a
Beliefnet letter discussing a person's from from a Catholic church to an Episcopal church and back again, because
One of my issues with the Episcopal church was its flip-flopping views...It seems like everyone (including the priests and officials) had different views on different issues, such as abortion, the transubstantiation, homosexuality, and other moral and theological topics. The thing with the Catholic Church is everything IS uniform all throughout.
Rick, in response, says
This person has abandoned the intellectual struggle to make sense of our world, and actually likes being told what to do. Perhaps it is because of our insecure times, but it seems like people increasingly seeking to conform to authority rather than think for themselves.
Even though I'm a Unitarian and wouldn't choose to be anything else, I totally understand that person's viewpoint and why UUism is never going to grow much beyond where it is now.
My take is that most people feel they struggle through life and turn to religion and church to get some peace and reassurance, not to conform to authority. We don't offer peace and reassurance. We offer more struggle. That's never going to be a popular option.
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