Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Religious Humanism

A new blog called Talk: Humanism has one person's definition of Religious Humanism.
Religious Humanism emphasis the humanity who has, since the beginning of recorded time, created gods, God, rituals, and subsequent religious practices. Religious Humanism places the responsibility to positively change this world upon humanity alone. A Religious Humanist looks toward humanity itself for answers to the social, political, and religious issues we all currently face. So, in short, our religious priorities are humanity, possibility, responsibility, freedom, justice, egalitarianism, pluralism, dialogue, democracy, and the care of our planet.
I've never personally spent a lot of time trying to figure out what I believe in a religious sense, because I believe it doesn't really matter. That being said, the above definition is as close to what I believe as anything else I've seen.


At 8:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Paul, I will add your blog to the network, if you so desire. We only ask that you are a religious humanist, which you seem to be, and that you hang our little green raindrop graphic on your blog somewhere: see this post.


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