Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Mother Jones: The Great Debate of the Season

Mother Jones magazine (didn't know that was still being published) has an issue entitled The Great Debate of the Season devoted to the interplay of conservative Christianity and the U.S. government.
... This issue of Mother Jones is dedicated to illuminating the interplay between conservative Christianity and the U.S. government. We regard the movement’s history, chart its arteries of funding and influence, and locate its wellsprings of support and aspiration. And we also show how such national issues as Intelligent Design and the death penalty are being debated within the church. It’s been more than 200 years since the founders established the separation of church and state. The assault on that principle now under way promises to alter not only our form of government but our concept of religion as well.
A tip of the hat to The Revealer.


At 5:09 PM, Blogger Robin Edgar said...

This Emerson Avenger comment is dedicated to illuminating the interplay of Unitarian Universalism and the U.S. government. We regard the movement’s history, chart its arteries of funding and influence, and locate its wellsprings of support and aspiration. And we also show how such national issues as Intelligent Design and the death penalty are being debated within the church.


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