Monday, January 02, 2006

What counts as theology?

Rev. Sean Parker Dennison discusses what counts as theology as part of the ongoing discussion regarding the need for more Unitarian Universalist defined theology. While you should read his whole posting, he ends with this:
Theology, for me, is both thinking about God, religion, and belief, and experiencing them. When I preach, I sometimes simply describe the places, people, situations, and moments in which I have seen the sacred break through into the mundane. To me, this is theology. It is a knowing of Divinity, of Mystery, of Good. It is, for me, something deeper than thinking about God and religion. It is the lived knowing of sacred experience. I hold that up, examine it against the wisdom of science, the measure of conscience, and the experience of others I trust. But ultimately, because I am privileged to serve in a free religious tradition, I let each person determine for themselves what is true.


At 8:19 PM, Blogger Robin Edgar said...

"I let each person determine for themselves what is true."

Even if what they "determine for themselves what is true" can be shown to be false, and even harmful to themselves and others? This goes against good old Unitarian Reason. . .


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