Tuesday, February 28, 2006

UU White Allies

Boy In the Bands points out a new Unitarian Universalist group: UU White Allies. According to their web site, their mission is
to be accountable to people of color in building a movement among white UUs committed to unlearning white privilege/supremacy and to confronting racism in all its forms.
Apparently they're aware that they don't have the best name. But even discounting that, what I see after looking at the site for about 5 minutes is a group of people beating their breasts.

I'm sure a lot of people would consider me naive, but I don't see racism everywhere I look.

Classism, maybe ... but that's a different story.


At 1:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you don't see racism around you, you aren't looking hard enough. I've seen it everyday in high school and college. I see it everyday I'm in a supermarket or in the mall. I see it when watching TV and when watching movies.
If you can't find institutionalized racism around you, you need to step back and refocus yourself.
A good book is Whitewashing Race:The Myth of a Colorblind Society.

At 2:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah Paul, keep looking. We're told that racism is everywhere, that racism infects every aspect of everything one does in a racist society like America, and you know that as UUs we're not supposed to question what we're told. It's especially bad since you're a white person, which means you're inherently racist but also blind to how your white skin oppresses people. You obviously need to unlearn White Supremacy by participating in Anti-Racism Work(tm). Your skepticsm about an ideology with knee-jerk reactions and a strict party line is just more of your melanin-deprived jive. So look harder, keep looking until all you can see is racism and you realize that race is the key to understanding all interactions between human beings. Then join UU White Allies and make yourself accountable to a small band of people of color for all the f*cked up things your white skin participates in.

At 7:13 PM, Blogger Joel Monka said...

This organization is separate but equal, right?

At 7:16 PM, Blogger Paul Wilczynski said...

Joel, my understanding is that this is an organization of Unitarian Universalists with no special standing. You'd have to ask them for details.

Bart, I'm sure there must be a good reason for me to drop everything I'm doing and seek out racism everywhere I look. Unfortunately, I can't think of what it is.


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