Friday, March 24, 2006

Bellotti thinks he's funny

The Quincy [MA] Sun reports on a recent St. Patrick's Day Celebration sponsored by the Quincy Partnership.
Some of the best shots were from Mayor Bill Phelan and state Treasurer Tim Cahill who have been feuding over the site of the new Quincy High School ...

[Norfolk County Sheriff Michael] Bellotti took on the role of "peacemaker" in the Phelan-Cahill feud.

"We have to get them together", he stressed. "We need them. They have got to work together. They have got to go out together ... They have got to get close".

He then tossed a couple of girlish looking cowboy hats, one pink to Phelan and the other red to Cahill, mentioning something about "Brokeback Mountain".

Bellotti brought up the same sex marriage banner [United] First Parish Church wants to display. The bad news for the church, he said, is "the Concourse route [a new planned cross-town road] has been changed ... it will now go straight through the church."

Humor obviously isn't your strong suit, Mike, so keep your day job. Until the next election, anyway.


At 9:50 AM, Blogger PeaceBang said...

Can you provide a contact number or address so that those of us who now know of this guy's idiocy can write to him and tell him what we think?

At 11:06 AM, Blogger Paul Wilczynski said...

Here's his web site:


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