NYT: Religious Left Struggles to Find Unifying Message
The New York Times (registration required) reportsThey had come to All Souls Unitarian Church, 1,200 of them from 39 states, to wrest the mantle of moral authority from conservative Christians, and they were finally planning how to take their message to those in power.AndAfter rousing speeches on Wednesday by liberal religious leaders like Rabbi Michael Lerner of the magazine Tikkun and Sister Joan Chittister, a Benedictine nun, participants in the new Network of Spiritual Progressives split into small groups to prepare for meetings with members of Congress on Thursday. ...
... Turnout at the Spiritual Activism Conference is high, but if the gathering is any indication, the biggest barrier for liberals may be their regard for pluralism: for letting people say what they want, how they want to, and for trying to include everyone's priorities, rather than choosing two or three issues that could inspire a movement. ...
Rabbi Lerner spoke at my church a month or so ago. He didn't say too much of anything except "read this book" and "join this organization" and "we must hold up liberal religion as a viable alternative." I didn't disagree with anything he said, but I haven't made time for researching the organization. I guess I should. It sounds important. =/
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