Washington Post: Obama: Democrats Must Court Evangelicals
According to the Washington Post ...Sen. Barack Obama chastised fellow Democrats on Wednesday for failing to "acknowledge the power of faith in the lives of the American people," and said the party must compete for the support of evangelicals and other churchgoing Americans.He's certainly taking a leadership role in the party. This is a message that needs to be said. Democrats can't keep up this "religion and politics are totally separate" message and expect to influence the vast numbers of religious people - especially those who, at one time in the past, considered themselves supporters of the Democratic Party."Not every mention of God in public is a breach to the wall of separation. Context matters," the Illinois Democrat said in remarks to a conference of Call to Renewal, a faith-based movement to overcome poverty.
Obama said millions of Christians, Muslims and Jews have traveled similar religious paths, and that is why "we cannot abandon the field of religious discourse. ... In other words, if we don't reach out to evangelical Christians and other religious Americans and tell them what we stand for, Jerry Falwells and Pat Robertsons will continue to hold sway."A tip of the hat to Street Prophets.
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