Friday, July 14, 2006

John W. Dean: Triumph of the authoritarians

Former Nixon White House counsel John Dean, in a piece in the Boston Globe, doesn't understand Republicans and contemporary conservatism.
... Today's Republican policies are antithetical to bedrock conservative fundamentals. There is nothing conservative about preemptive wars or disregarding international law by condoning torture. Abandoning fiscal responsibility is now standard operating procedure. Bible-thumping, finger-pointing, tongue-lashing attacks on homosexuals are not found in Russell Krik's classic conservative canons, nor in James Burham's guides to conservative governing. Conservatives in the tradition of former senator Barry Goldwater and President Ronald Reagan believed in ``conserving" this planet, not relaxing environmental laws to make life easier for big business. And neither man would have considered employing Christian evangelical criteria in federal programs, ranging from restricting stem cell research to fighting AIDs through abstinence. ...


At 12:57 PM, Blogger Bill Baar said...

Times change Paul. George Bush allies the United States with an Iraqi coalition government that includes the Iraqi Communist Party.

Way too many Liberals think like Nixon's John Dean today...

...go back and read John Dean's memoirs Blind Ambition... the pages that stick in my mind were those were Dean mused on making passes to the stewardesses as he flew first class on Nixon's business.

Amition blinded him then...blinds him now.

At 1:58 PM, Blogger Paul Wilczynski said...


Perhaps liberals (and anyone else who agrees) who think like Dean think like him because he's correct.

Are you saying that what he says is not correct?

At 1:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're right.


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