Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Should atheists be allowed to marry?

About:Agnosticism/Atheism asks this question.

After all, if, as a number of Christians say, gay marriage is displeasing to God, wouldn't a marriage between atheists be similarly displeasing?

And how about a marriage between two Unitarian Universalists who, as individuals, don't subscribe to the traditional traditional religious beliefs about the existence of God?


At 3:33 PM, Blogger Bill Baar said...

I would think so.

My wife had to get an annullment from the Catholic Church to avoid displeasure there.

Then we went to a UU minister who advised us against getting married at all.

And finally ended up with a UCC minister who did it with an understanding I would join his church.

I don't think a minister compelled to marry just anyone.

And for me the most compelling reason for allowing same-sex marriage as opposed to same-sex unions is why should gays get a pass on risking God's displeasure should one fumble on the marriage vows.

If an athiest sees no risks there be definition, I would suggest a partner contemplating marriage with one, go over exactly how the athiest understands all the vows in the sacrement h/she denies.

It would be worth pondering.

At 3:34 PM, Blogger Bill Baar said...

PS for UU's it's a no brainer. A service can be constructed that's perfectly compatible for athiests (who are often fervent believers of a sort in my experience).


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