Monday, February 07, 2005

Newsweek takes a stab at Intelligent Design

GetReligion reviews an article by Jerry Adler in Newsweek called Doubting Darwin. The review says that the Newsweek article gets many parts of the debate between creationists and real scientists right. The Newsweek article starts ...
When Joshua Rowand, an 11th grader in Dover, Pa., looks out from his high school, he can see the United Church of Christ across the street and the hills beyond it, reminding him of what he's been taught from childhood: that God's perfect creation culminated on the sixth day with the making of man in his image. Inside the school, he is taught that Homo sapiens evolved over millions of years from a series of predecessor species in an unbroken line of descent stretching back to the origins of life. The apparent contradiction between that message and the one he hopes someday to spread as a Christian missionary doesn't trouble him. The entire subject of evolution by natural selection is covered in two lessons in high-school biology. What kind of Christian would he be if his faith couldn't survive 90 minutes of exposure to Darwin?


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