Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Recall him for not standing

The Denver Channel reports that an attempt is being made to recall a man from office for not standing during the Pledge of Allegiance.
An Estes Park [Colorado] town trustee who refuses to recite the Pledge of Allegiance at Town Board meetings filed a federal lawsuit Friday, asking a judge to stop his recall election next month. The lawsuit also asked the court to declare the pledge unconstitutional and to order trustees to stop saying the pledge during official business. David Habecker, who describes himself as agnostic, says the words "under God" violate his religious beliefs and are at odds with the separation of church and state, according to his lawsuit in U.S. District Court in Denver. The lawsuit says Habecker exercises his First Amendment right to religious freedom and sits during Town Board meetings while other members recite the pledge. Some citizens have organized a committee to recall Habecker, saying voters have lost confidence in his ability to represent citizen's patriotism and "common decency." The recall election is scheduled Feb. 15.


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