Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Sexuality Education and the Budget

The Unitarian Universalist Association says ...

Following the submission of President Bush's FY '06 Budget, which presumably will include increased spending for abstinence-only education programs in all areas, the UUA Washington Office will be participating in a press conference for the introduction of the Real Education About Life (REAL) Act. Introduced by Rep. Barbara Lee (CA-9), the bill will work to support and fund comprehensive sexuality education programs in the states. The press conference will take place at 10am on Thursday, February 10th, 2005 in the Capitol Building. DC-area Unitarian Universalist youth and parents will stand behind Rep. Lee in support of the Act and will speak to their experiences with Our Whole Lives in their congregations.

The UUA Washington Office is spending much of this spring doing advocacy and organizing in support of comprehensive sexuality education. Our work with the Our Whole Loves (OWL) program, as well as many previous statements from General Assembly, puts the UUA in a great place to speak to the value of comprehensive, age-appropriate, medically accurate sexuality education. If you would like more information about our efforts, sex education bills in Congress, actions you can take, or our partnerships with other offices and organizations on this issue, please visit our website at

If you are interested in getting involved with the UUA's work on sexuality education, please contact Kierstin Homblette, Legislative Assistant for Women's Issues, at .


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