Evangelicals and social action
Sometimes it's a good idea to read what people on the othe side of the fence are writing. Cal Thomas, a nationally syndicated columnist, wrote a March 14 piece entitled The evangelical third coming in which he argues that evangelicals shouldn't be bothering themselves with issues like global warming. After all, he says,There is no biblical expectation that a "fallen" world can, should or will be improved prior to the return of the One to whom evangelicals are supposed to owe their complete allegiance.But the quote that amazes me the most is this:
Liberal churches have long believed in a doctrine of salvation-through-works, as if helping the poor was the chief responsibility of government and an end in itself, rather than a means for individuals to communicate the love of God to poor people.Guess that proves I'm a liberal - I always thought helping the poor is an end in itself.
Thanks to Media Matters for America for pointing this one out and for their additional comments.
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