Friday, April 01, 2005

The Politics and Pain of Terri Schiavo

The following came from the UUA Washington Office on Friday March 25 (before Terri Schiavo died) ...
The Washington Office wants to let you know of a few resources that may be helpful in dealing with the politics and pain surrounding the controversy over the life and death of Terri Schiavo.

First, we commend to you a personal letter written by the Rev. Dr. Welton Gaddy, President of the Interfaith Alliance, and a close partner of the UUA. It's available at ; click the box in the upper middle part of the page entitled "Personal Reflections on Theresa Schiavo's Life." We join with Rev. Gaddy in being "astonished, appalled, and grieved" by Congress's decision to get involved.

Two other pieces of information may be helpful (or at least relevant). First, the UUA is one of (and may be the only) religious denomination to have passed a statement supporting the right to die with dignity. The 1988 resolution provides for the possibility that individuals may make very different choices, and they should be honored equally: "Unitarian Universalists advocate right to self-determination in dying, and the release from civil or criminal penalties of those who, under proper safeguards, act to honor the right of terminally ill patients to select the time of their own deaths." The complete statement can be found at . The UUA has also consistently advocated for safeguards against abuses by those who would hasten death contrary to an individual's desires.

For more information on advance directives (living wills and power of attorney), see

Additional resources include: Wayne Arnason's study guide, "Faithful Choices" and Ralph Mero's pamphlet, "Choices in Dying," with the text link found at


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