Saturday, April 30, 2005

Would you like fries with your sermon?

In case the members of your congregation arrive Hungry for the word ..
(PRWEB) April 30, 2005 -- There's a two woman Army in Las Vegas who believes piping hot fries and the "Bible" have a lot in common. These ladies are teaching local clergy how to super size their dying church membership.

Las Vegas has been the "Goliath" in national growth for 18 years in a row. Additionally, 41 million visitors traveled to the "entertainment capitol of the world" in 2004. Approximately, 6000 people a month are relocating to Southern Nevada. Church membership is at an all time low in the city that never sleeps despite continuous astronomical growth. Nationally, over 90% of all churches in America have just 160 active members.

Lost Sheep Consulting conducts groundbreaking "McChurch" seminars. Nina S. Griffin and Rachael D. Richardson show God's CEOs how to recreate the one of a kind spiritual experience McDonald's customers have been enjoying for the last 50 years.

Fortune 500 companies didn't start to become successful until they started talking to customers who had left their companies and/or who were on the verge of defection. These brave ladies are visionary in empowering clergy with proven 21st century winback and retention techniques.

There's a "David" in the desert with a sling shot of a message; "Save the lost at all cost".

McDonald's customers have been enjoying a spiritual experience?? I know their fries are pretty good, but I didn't think they were that good!


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