An interview with Bishop John Shelby Spong
BeliefNet has an interview with Bishop John Shelby Spong, a leader of the worldwide liberal Christianity movement. Within the interview is this:What is the basis for your faith?I think that's a good start for anyone's faith - Christian or not. After adding two more definitions of God (the source of life, and the source of love) and bringing Jesus into the discussion, he saysI have to start at the basics, and that's God. And the thing that I think you have to say about God first is that nobody knows who God is, nobody knows what God is. I don't care what they say--all any human being knows is how they believe they have experienced God. They do not know what God is.
That would be like a horse saying they know what a human being is. A horse knows how a horse experiences a human being. And even when you say, this is my "God experience," there is always the possibility that you're deluded. And a lot of deluded people think that they have had "God experiences" and hear voices. So I start with that--I can't tell you who God is or what God is; I can only share what I believe my God experience is.
I have no difficulty asserting the traditional Christian claim that somehow God was in this Christ. I don't know that Jesus is different from Debbie or Jack, except in degree. I think he's so fully human, that he can be a channel through which people can experience this transcendent God presence. That's a very different way of approaching the Christian story, but it's one that I think is the future, because the old mythology doesn't workAs a non-Christian Unitarian Universalist, I could almost buy into that.
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