Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Newspaper punshed for dissing Wal-Mart

The Pensacola News Journal has learned what happens when it speaks less than respectfully about the god of retailing ...
The store ordered us off their property, told us to come pick up our newspaper racks and clear out.

So we did.

A few people called last week, some even wrote letters to the editor, and wanted to know why they couldn't buy the newspaper at Wal-Mart in the days after Hurricane Dennis.

Some managers at Wal-Mart didn't appreciate a column Mark O'Brien wrote last month about the downside of the cheap prices that Sam Walton's empire has brought to America. We all pay a little less, and sometimes a lot less, at the grocery store and department store because of Mr. Walton, the founder of Wal-Mart. ...


At 12:55 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Bravo to the Pensacola News Journal for standing up to the attempt to stifle critical speech. If Wal-Mart had a problem with either the facts or analysis in O'Brien's column, they could present facts to counter the arguments. Trying to stifle O'Brien's free speech simply confirms what he is saying.

BTW, I have seen the studies that confirm O'Brien and Friedman's assertions regarding Wal-Mart employees on state aid.

At 4:32 PM, Blogger Paul Wilczynski said...


I totally agree. Wal-Mart has one good thing going for it: low prices. It's got any number of bad things going for it, including paying wages so low that people have to go on state aid. Personally, the negatives far outweigh the positives.


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