Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Christian Alliance for Progress email

Here's an email I got from the Christian Alliance for Progress ...
A few weeks back, I requested your help with an important issue. I asked you to speak out against Jerry Falwell’s claim that the Christian Alliance for Progress is “Hardly Christian”, and you did. We received nearly 1,000 letters from across the country. To those of you who wrote, thank you. Your responses affirm that Falwell and other leaders of the Religious Right can not speak for all Christians.

Now I ask you for your help on another issue. We need to guard against the ever increasing threat of the Christian Right continuing to erode America’s separation of church and state.

This past Sunday in a church in Nashville, the Christian Right held Justice Sunday II. James Dobson of Focus on the Family, Tony Perkins of the Family Research Council, Phyllis Schlafly of the Eagle Forum and many other leading figures of the Radical Right joined House Majority Leader, Tom DeLay in a live broadcast sent via satellite to thousands of churches nationwide. The original Justice Sunday a few months ago in April included speeches from political figures like Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist. Then, as now, the event was draped in Christianity and called for the nomination and approval of very conservative - even ultra conservative judges for our courts.

Indeed, the Religious Right is blurring the lines of church and state, using a place of worship to stage a political rally headlined by one of the most powerful office holders in the country – one who has publicly called for integrating the Right’s version of Christianity into our government.

Separation of church and state has been a fundamental American value that both protects us from the government imposing a particular religion while also guaranteeing our freedom from that government in our place of worship. The Christian Right seeks to institutionalize and impose their beliefs on all Americans when our country’s political and religious traditions honor precisely the opposite values.

At the Christian Alliance for Progress, we affirm America’s well established commitment to a clear separation of church and state. We need to make our voices heard. Please take a moment to send a letter to your Senators expressing your personal commitment to a separation of church and state. Take action now.

The Christian Alliance for Progress participated on Sunday in Nashville with other local and national organizations in a counter event. We stood in opposition to the extremist message of Justice Sunday II. Click Here to read my remarks from the “Freedom & Faith” Event.

Your personal participation in this movement matters. Christian Alliance for Progress is the place where your voice can be heard. Thank you for your passion and commitment.

Sincerely, Patrick Mrotek


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