Saturday, August 13, 2005

Sinkford joins challenge of upcoming "Justice Sunday II"

(Boston, August 12, 2005) The Rev. William G. Sinkford, UUA [Unitarian Universalist Association] President, joined other progressive religious leaders in a teleconference yesterday which challenged the focus of the upcoming "Justice Sunday II" event. The teleconference, which was covered by 35 reporters and news organizations, included Sinkford, the Rev. C. Welton Gaddy (President, The Interfaith Alliance ), Rabbi David Saperstein (Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism ), the Rev. Dr. Robert Edgar (General Secretary, National Council of Churches USA ), and Ms. Mirin Kaul Phool (President, Sikh American Legal Defense and Education Fund ).

Teleconference speakers addressed the Religious Right's plans for "Justice Sunday II," an evangelical event subtitled "God Save the United States and this Honorable Court" which will be held in Nashville on August 14th. The progressive religious leaders offered a different religious perspective on the nomination and addressed the role of faith in politics.

In his statement Sinkford said, "We are concerned that the events planned by conservative groups in Nashville will continue to falsely claim to represent the only faithful perspective on the Roberts nomination. We affirm the right of any group to express its position on the issues of the day, but we will not remain silent when any group falsely claims to speak for all people of faith. There is no one "religious" position on the Roberts nomination, no one religious view on the future of the Court or the cases it will hear." The complete text of Sinkford's statement can be found at

The complete story on the teleconference, plus UUA commentary and grass roots resources, can be found at Deborah J. Weiner Director of Electronic Communication Unitarian Universalist Association 25 Beacon Street Boston, MA 02108 617-948-6104 617-742-7025 (FAX)


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