Friday, August 05, 2005

New Thought Church

An article in Beliefnet by Nancy Colasurdo discusses her move from Catholicism to a "New Thought Church". I had a bit of a problem identifying a web site for them, but this one seems to be one that's relevent. Apparently its some sort of organization that encompasses 10 denominations (none of which I remember ever hearing of). The ones in Massachusetts, at least, seems to be Unity Churches.


At 11:38 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

In academia, at any rate, we identify New Thought as a broad relgious orientation that emerged out of late 19th century American Protestantism. It was influenced by the encounter with the Spiritualism movement and Transcendentalism. The general thrust of New Thought is that our beliefs affect the universe (especially ourselves) in some direct way, and it usually has a healing orientation, as well as belief in such things as telepathy and psychic healing. The most famous example of New Thought is Christian Science; the Unity denomination is another form of New Thought.

At 12:10 PM, Blogger Jaume de Marcos Andreu said...

I get the Beliefnet blog feed and I ran a Google search of that church. Actually it is not difficult to find it:

It looks similar to Unity to me, perhaps not so Christo-centric as Unity tends to be.


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