Rev. Jim Wallis on tax cuts and budget cuts
Rev. Jim Wallis of Sojourners comments on tax cuts and budget cuts ...... As I travel the country, diverse audiences of people across the religious and political spectrum agree with the following statement: A time of war, record deficits, rising poverty, and natural disaster is no time to cut taxes mostly for the rich and cut vital services to the poor. The poorest among us must not be asked to bear the cost of fiscal responsibility, deficit reduction, and disaster relief. We must clearly tell our senators and representatives that cuts to social services for poor families are not the way to pay for hurricane relief. We must not help some suffering people by making others suffer more.When I tell people around the country what congressional leaders in Washington are planning to do with tax cuts for the rich and budget cuts for the poor, they are stunned and outraged. "Have they no shame?" is a frequent response. In the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina and all that has been revealed about poverty in America, how can we balance the budget on the backs of our poorest and most vulnerable citizens?
It is time to draw a line in the sand against further tax cuts for the wealthiest and more program cuts for the poorest. Budgets are indeed moral documents. From a biblical point of view, the current congressional priorities are simply wrong and should be changed. It's time for the churches and faith-based organizations working with the poor to tell their elected officials to get their priorities right.
Will other political leaders offer the moral leadership shown by Sen. Chambliss and others? Will those who call themselves Christians or people of faith in Congress pay attention to what their faith tells them about our obligations to the most vulnerable? Perhaps it's time for the members of Congress who like to talk about their Christian faith to dust off their Bibles and take a fresh look at what Jesus said about the poor. Some good Bible studies in the House of Representatives about God's commands for social justice might be just what the political process needs right now. ...
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