Glenn Morton: Theistic Evolution
DarkSyde, in a piece called Know Your (Honest) Intelligent Design Creationists - Part 7, discusses the views of a petroleum geophysicist named Glenn Morton.... Glenn is a devout evangelical Christian who embraces a view called Theistic Evolution (TE). This is the faith based position that the universe, the solar system, the earth, and the history of life up to and including the evolution of anatomically modern humans from earlier primates, were created by God using processes created by same which humans can understand and explain to some degree through careful scientific investigation. In this view there is no contradiction possible even in principle between believing in a Creator and any valid facts gleaned from studying that Creation. Technically this could be considered a form of Creationism as it assumes a Creator Deity which produced the universe and everything in it. But if so, Theistic Evolution is the only form of creationism which is 100% fully consistent with modern science. So I represent Glenn as such with his permission and as an admirable example of an honest Christian in the hope that anyone reading this doesn't get the idea that Know Your IDCists is a thinly veiled series seeking to bash Christians out of sheer malice by tarring them all with the embarrassment of a few fanatical anti-science extremists. ...Interesting concept. If I were a Believer, that's what I'd believe. But I'm not, so I don't.
A tip of the hat to Street Prophets.
I am a Believer, indeed a Knower, and consider myself to be a similarly honest "Intelligent Design" proponent. I have said elsewhere that each and every valid and verified scientific discovery constitutes a small 'r' revelation of God.
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