Gay actors shouldn't play Christians?
New York Times (registration required) reports that more than 100 pastors of churches across the country signed a letter criticizing the use of a gay actor - Chad Allen - to portray a Christian in "End of the Spear," made by Every Tribe Entertainment, an evangelical film company.
... Many evangelicals are concerned that young people inspired by the movie will look up Mr. Allen on the Web and "get exposed to his views on homosexuality, and that would cause some of them to question Biblical views of homosexuality and every other sin," said Will Hall, executive director of, the news service of the Southern Baptist Convention, which has published articles critical of Every Tribe's decisions. ...
Unbelievable. Simply unbelievable. Actually, no, it's no unbelievable at all.
A tip of the hat to
Of course I'm really tempted to make a comment about that title, "End of the Spear!" But I won't.
Ha - Chad Allen was on the show, Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman, for years - a show which, I do believe, is in syndication on one of those "Family" Channels like Hallmark. I'm sure plenty of young Christians are watching him daily and are none the wiser.
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