Should an Afghan Christian be executed?
Stories like this confuse me.KABUL -- Senior Muslim clerics demanded yesterday that an Afghan man on trial for converting from Islam to Christianity be executed, warning that if the government caves in to Western pressure and frees him, they will incite people to ''pull him into pieces."How am I to interpret this in terms of "what Muslims believe"? Or is there no one thing that relates to this story that Muslims believe?
Do all Muslims everywhere believe that anyone who converts from Islam to Christianity should be executed? No. Do all Muslims in Afghanistan believe that? Probably not all of them. Do the majority of Muslims around the world believe that? I have no idea.
You know what, though? The Koran requires it, whether or not all Muslims believe it.
Fausto, that depends on how you interpret the language. There's an awful lot of things that the Bible says require death. The question in both texts is whether this means people should kill or death should be left to God.
As a former Muslim (convert), I agree with Will. Some things like this are mainly culture, not Islam. The Quran says there is no compulsion in religion. Most Muslims are raised thinking this is in the Quran, to kill anyone who leaves Islam, but it is not.
My 2 cents.
I agree with Will. Many Muslims grow up being taught that the Quran says to kill anyone who leaves Islam. Some things are interpreted one way or the other, esp. to fit what they want. The Quran says there is freedom in religion. As a former Muslim (convert), I have to say that many things like this are culture, NOT Islam.
Just my 2 cents.
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