Things aren't quite over in Dover, PA
The town where Intelligent Design was recently shot down is being targeted again. The York Dispatch reports ...A group of evangelists is planning to go door to door to preach to the Dover area community March 8-10, priming residents for an anti-evolution presentation it will hold the next week.A tip of the hat to Street Prophets.Michael Marcavage, director of the Philadelphia-based evangelistic group Repent America, said he and about a dozen other members of his group are also planning to distribute Gospel literature to Dover Area High School students before and after school "and engag(e) in maybe some discussions outside the high school with students."
Marcavage said his group's outreach was spurred by school officials' decision not to allow Repent America, a religious group, to hang advertisements in the high school, where creationist speaker Kent Hovind will present a seminar March 17 and 18. ...
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