Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Oberlin College reunion

Got back from my 35th Oberlin College reunion Monday evening. (Technically, it was the my 36th anniversary reunion, but they cluster 3 years together at a time.)

I really enjoy going to my reunions - I've been there every 5th year since I graduated. I think the geography of the place has imprinted on me; I don't remember much at all about my education there, but that's more than made up for by friends and other activities. Examples include WOBC, the radio station, and the fact I learned computer programming there. I'm sure the college would officially be horrified by that -- the last thing they'd want to be thought of is a trade school.

I'm very surprised that the Oberlin Unitarian Universalist Fellowship doesn't seen to actively try to get students to attend. The liberal orientation of the school meshes so well the the orientation of most UUs.

There was a pretty small turnout from my class - less than 40, I believe. That surprised me, because it's probably less than 10% of the class.

I was very pleased that my wife came with me. Because she wasn't a student there, she doesn't have the same connection to the college or the town, but she very much understands how much pleasure I get out of going back. She liked the fact that people pretty much walk all over the place there instead of riding in cars.

Two of my best friends attended. One of them, Jim, hadn't been back since graduation. Was a bit of a shock for him to see the new buildings. Another friend, Mark, had been there 5 years ago. A couple of others couldn't make it, and one deliberately chooses not to attend because he wants to remember us and the college as we were in 1970 and not later. None of us know quite what to make of that.

The food service, regretfully, has never gotten appreciably better than it was when we were there. It occasionally gets a little better but, after eating a really overcooked steak Friday night, this was apparently not one of those times.


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