PFAW: This Week: Constitution - 2, Bush Administration - 0
People for the American Way writes ...The Constitution and all Americans had great victories this week!Today brought a major victory for the rule of law –and a stunning defeat for the Bush Administration. Ruling 5-3 in Hamdan v. Rumsfeld, the Supreme Court overturned an appeals court’s determination that military detainees are not entitled to fundamental due process rights including the right to be present at their trials and the right to confront witnesses against them. The hallmark of American justice and that of most civilized nations is that everyone is entitled to a fair trial, and today’s ruling sends a strong signal to the president that his administration cannot continue to ignore the rule of law.
People For the American Way Foundation filed an amicus brief in the case.
Flag Amendment Defeated!Congratulations. Tuesday night, the Senate voted to reject the Flag Desecration Amendment by one vote. We were just one vote away from changing our Constitution to curtail rights rather than expand them.
Thank you for all you hard work in fighting to protect our First Amendment freedoms.
Another victory and renewed momentum on the reauthorization of key provisions of the Voting Rights Act.Yesterday, a band of renegade GOP House members' effort to undermine critical portions of the Act by imposing what Congressman Lewis (D-GA) called a "modern day literacy test" was soundly defeated.
People For the American Way, and our growing coalition of progressive allies NAACP, ACLU, LULAC, MALDEF, NALEO and the NEA, have collected over 35,000 petition signatures in just the past 5 days calling on Congress to immediately renew the Voting Rights Act. Today we head to Capitol Hill to deliver those signatures.
The momentum is building and we must not let up until the Voting Rights Act is renewed.
Please ask your family and friends to add their name to the rolls of the thousands of Americans already demanding Congress renew the Voting Rights Act. Sign the petition here: If you've already signed, forward this email to a friend and urge them to sign.
Let's ensure voting rights for future generations -- Help us get the VRA renewed today.
Thanks for your stalwart activism.
Stay tuned for more updates and more ways for you to take action. Thank you for your continued support and for standing with us in the fight for an America that lives up to American values.
Ralph G. Neas
People For the American Way
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