Sunday, July 23, 2006

Mainstream Baptist: Towards a Definition of Progressive Faith

Dr. Bruce Prescott, Executive Director of Mainstream Oklahoma Baptists and President of the Oklahoma Chapter of Americans United for Separation of Church and State, on his Talk to Action, thinks progressive faith has at least ten characteristics. It is conscientious, chastened, hopeful, strong, humble, growing, questioning, dialogical, active and interdependent.
There is a strong consensus within the Talk to Action community in opposition to the forms of Christian Reconstructionist, Dominionist, and Christian Nationalist faith that are taking over the public square in our country. We agree that there is an eternal hostility between democracy and theocracy.

Are any forms of faith compatible with pluralistic democracy?

How much common ground do we share when asked to define faith in a way that encourages prophetic speech in the public square while respecting separation of church and state?

A tip of the hat to Faith of the Free.


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