Thursday, October 26, 2006

Good Vibrations

The September, 2006 issue of Fast Company magazine has one of the most incredible, futuristic ideas for generating power I've ever read.

What if high foot traffic areas were designed with treads that would flex, causing air or a liquid to be forced through a tiny turbine that would drive a generator and produce a current that could get stored in a battery?

Strikes me as an amazingly good idea. Kinda pricey to create, though.


At 9:31 AM, Blogger Joel Monka said...

It's an interesting concept, but as you say it could be pricey to install. I once saw an even better way to use wasted energy that no one has moved on: put vertical axis windmills- you know, the ones that can accept the wind from any angle- in the median between highway lanes to use the wind generated by the passing cars. That would directly recover the greatest waster of gas- air resistence; plus, any ambient wind would feed the system as well. Other ideas include putting white roofs on homes instead of black ones, using grass over a gravel drainage grid for parking lots,and mirrors on the side of buildings to reflect sunlight down and melt the snow off city streets instead of plowing it. But none of these kind of ideas ever get any traction- sometimes it seems to me that the global warming and environmental activist don't want projects that would produce actual results; they would prefer to punish American industry instead.


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