Brown bag racism
If you're looking for another word or phrase currently thought to be racist in some circles, like no further than this sermon to discover that the phrase brown bag lunch has been banned from use at Starr King School for the Ministry.Extensive discussions on Peacebang's blog as well as other UU blogs. Especially good is commentary at The Socinian.
Please. There are obviously people out there with way too much time on their hands. Does racism exist? Of course it does. No question. But not in brown bag lunches.
Okay, I've been patient, but...
Could all the good UU's who supposedly believe in a search for truth and rationality and all that STOP with the misinformation campaign. NO ONE BANNED THE WORD BROWN BAG LUNCH!
One event's name was changed. It was done in a way that wasn't particularly thoughtful or sensitive. But please, stop with the accusation that the phrase was banned.
If you followed the discussion as you suggest others do--then read the comments where this is clarified by none other than Rebecca Parker, President of the School who was at the event.
And perhaps also note that this was five years ago. Yes, the sermon was just published so it is "news" to some.
I expect at least some effort to be fair.
Rev. Sean
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