Thursday, November 08, 2007

Profit-making companies

I ran across A posting on Street Prophets, the idea of which is that the author wouldn't give space to someone who wants to talk about his/her book because it's "pimping".

Personally, I think there's way too much "if someone is making money, it must be bad" attitude going around these days. If I see a book whose topic is somehow related to this blog, and I think it's a good book, I've got no problem with the author providing me some information it and publishing it here.

The whole world isn't non-profit, folks. Let's get a little reality grip.


At 3:21 AM, Blogger ogre said...

Worth rereading that posting, Paul. I read it when it came up and the context isn't that Pastor Dan wouldn't give space to someone--it's that he's clearly had a series of people who want to come do a guest posting to flog their book.

It's equally clear that he's open to the idea of asking someone whose book looks interesting to do a posting. It's all the over-eager "volunteering" that's being rejected. Not the money-making issue.

At 6:36 AM, Blogger Paul Wilczynski said...

I'm not sure I see a terribly big difference, although I do understand what you're saying. I think the guiding point should be the value of the posting - not whose idea it was to post it.


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