Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Moving to Charleston, SC

About 3 years ago, my wife and I visited South Carolina and spent a couple of days in Charleston. We found it to be an incredibly charming city, with housing prices (in some of the 'burbs) significantly lower that in the Boston area. Because of things going on with my employer's IT organization, I wasn't feeling very confidant of my long term future, and we mused that it would be a good place to move if my job got eliminated. (During one trip down there, I was speaking with someone in a store. I told her that we had 8 feet of snow that season. She told me they had 6 minutes of snow. Gotta love an area that measures snow in minutes per year.)

Well, it's happened ... everyone in the IT department at my site has a termination date. Mine is the end of May. So we've decided to make the move. We're really going to miss the close friends that we've made in the Boston area, and my wife is going to miss the front and back gardens that she's spent so much time cultivating over the years we've lived in our house. We'll be attending the Unitarian Church of Charleston which has nearly 300 member families. Our house will hopefully be on the market shortly before the end of May, and we'll see how long it takes to sell.


At 6:49 PM, Blogger Steven Rowe said...

A future welcome to South Carolina! I hope you will enjoy it. As you know, politically we're going to be a bit different than Boston as well....

At 9:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

And I never got to meet you at one of the Boston area UU blogger's meetings.

We actually looked at a job in S.C. several years ago, but when when push came to shove they didn't offer the salary promised in the ad. But we did like it. And their chickadees are different down there -- no Black-capped Chickadees, they have Carolina Chickadees, which was kinda weird but cool

At 1:30 PM, Blogger Paul Wilczynski said...


Assuming you're the Dan I think you are, I'm sorry I haven't yet made it to your church. It's been on my List Of Things To Do, but every time I get down there, it's at a time when there's no service.

If you come down to Charleston in the future, please look me up!


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