Tuesday, December 14, 2004

God's clock

James Carroll in The Boston Globe says about a clock he rewinds: "I must occasionally remind myself that in fact, nothing important depends on this clock's ticking. When, through my neglect, the weights descend to the cabinet floor, the chains become twisted and askew, the pendulum drifts to a halt, and the chimes fall silent. A precious harmony is broken, but the earth stops neither its rotation nor its course around the sun. Time does not stop. Birds chirp in the morning and darkness later descends no matter what happens in the living room."

And later in the column ... "Religion is to God what the clock is to time. Religion participates in the mystery of what it represents but does not embody that mystery."

We must be careful not to equate the words of religion - whether spoken by those of liberal or conservative faiths - with the mystery of religion itself.


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