Unitarian Universalist Moral Values
(Boston, MA -- November 9, 2004) In conjunction with a press conference sponsored today by the Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice, UUA president William Sinkford issued this statement about Unitarian Universalist moral values. The press conference was held at the National Press Club in Washington, DC, and featured representatives from several denominations addressing the topic, “Defining ‘Moral Values’ For the Next Four Years.” The full text of Rev. Sinkford’s statement is below.Statement from the Rev. William G. Sinkford
Moral values are not just particular opinions on “hot button” topics in a divisive election year. Moral values grow out of our calling as religious people to work to create the Beloved Community. Moral values instruct us to “love our neighbors as ourselves” and always to ask the question, “Who is my neighbor?” They are fundamentally inclusive rather than exclusive, and they call on generosity of spirit rather than mean spiritedness.
In this post election season, let me express some of the moral values held dear by the Unitarian Universalist community, which I lead, and by many other progressive people of faith:
- We believe that feeding the hungry and clothing the naked are moral duties, and we will continue to work on behalf of economic justice.
- We believe that ensuring equal civil rights for gay and lesbian families is our moral duty, and we will continue to work for Marriage Equality nationwide.
- We believe that serving as stewards of the earth is a moral duty, and we will continue to do everything in our power to protect the environment.
- We believe that safeguarding a woman’s right to choose is a moral duty, and we will vigorously oppose any efforts to eliminate or significantly compromise reproductive freedom.
- We believe that providing affordable health care for all Americans is a moral duty, and we will continue to advocate for medical rights for the young, the old, the frail, and all of those in need.
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