Thursday, February 10, 2005

Liberal morality is alive and well

Daily Kos has a good review and commentary on James Ault's Spirit and Flesh: Life in a Fundamentalist Baptist Church.
Lately I've been reading up on the Religious Right, particularly James Ault's marvelously insightful book Spirit and Flesh: Life in a Fundamentalist Baptist Church. I plan a more sweeping article on these themes next week, but right now I want to toss out a simple conclusion: Despite how it looks, when the conservative rank-and-file talk about moral values, they aren't being hypocrites. I know. I know. Rush Limbaugh is a recovering drug addict. Bill O'Reilly settled rather than face those nasty charges about phone sex. Practically every word that comes out of the White House is deceptive in one way or another. You don't have to tell me. But conservatives have an absolutely genuine reason to be concerned about moral breakdown: Conservative morality is breaking down.


At 9:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The post at Daily Kos is by UU author Doug Muder, aka Pericles. Go Doug!


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