Sincerity is not enough
Left Coast Unitarian, in an article abut the Unitarian Jihad article, (the article can be found here) comments on the section of it that startsWe are Unitarian Jihad, and our motto is: "Sincerity is not enough."when he says
Would that this were true. If there was one disfunctional belief that contributes to worst excesses of contemporary psychotherapeutic expressive individualism in UU culture, I believe it is precisely the idea that sincerity is enough. We pass resolutions, sign internet petitions, attend solemn vigils and vote every other year for candidates and pat ourselves on the back for our earnest sincerity with only the vaguest concern for the effectiveness of our actions.No truer UU words were ever spoken. I would just add "and study the Study Topics chosen at General Assembly that were initially selected by congregations".There is the old joke about the recently departed UU who chooses going to a discussion about heaven over actually going to heaven. Sadly I fear too many UUs would choose to make a sincere personal statement about the ills of the world rather than actually doing something to bring about justice.
: Would that this were true.
Actually it is true. Sincerity is most certainly not enough and insincerity is even worse. . .
If UUs pass resolutions, sign internet petitions, attend solemn vigils, to say nothing of draw up the Seven Principles. . . but fail or refuse to act on them than UUs are guilty of insincerity, even pious fraud. . .
: Sadly I fear too many UUs would choose to make a sincere personal statement about the ills of the world rather than actually doing something to bring about justice.
Surely you mean - Sadly I fear too many UUs would choose to make an INsincere personal statement about the ills of the world rather than actually doing something to bring about justice.
Certainly this is true of most of the UUs I know. . .
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