Friday, June 24, 2005

Is there more than love and hope to religion?

Yet Another Unitarian Universalist Blog comments on Day Two of the Unitarian Universalist General Assembly.
I had dinner with Mellen Kennedy, one of the movers and shakers behind the Small Group Ministry Network. We talked about small group ministries, but then the conversation swung over to theology. Mellen has been feeling that there is no theological center to Unitarian Unviersalism of recent years. I admitted that might be true, but then I said Universalist theology -- the strong sense that there is hope in a hopeless world, the idea that love is the most powerful force in the universe -- that's what keeps me within Unitarian Universalism. Mellen brought up forgiveness as a centgral theological concept that we need, and I think she's right -- and that would be a great new direction for Universalist theology.
Is it just me, or is it simplistic to base one's religion around things like love and hope? Of course love is a good thing. Of course we should love one another. Of course hope is a good thing. Is there anyone in any religion who would disagree? What's the point in discussing how great a thing love is and how we should encourage it?


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