Thursday, August 18, 2005

Muslim moderates

Jeff Jacoby in the Boston Globe says ...
For years, Muslims have been criticized for their seeming complacency about Islamic terrorism. Time and again, Islamist radicals have committed some savagery, and time and again non-Muslims have wondered why there was no outcry of condemnation from the Islamic world. Let a fictional TV show depict Muslims unflatteringly, and Muslim spokesmen thunder in outrage. Where is that outrage when real atrocities are being carried out by killers professing Islam?

Good news: Since 9/11 a growing number of Muslim moderates have been speaking out. They have denounced the jihadis' ideology as a perversion of Islam and a disgrace to Muslims everywhere. More important, they have emphasized that decent Muslims have an obligation to enlist in the war on terror -- not merely to denounce the fanatics from afar, but to delegitimize and defeat them at home. ...

He goes on to discuss the recent "fatwah" against terrorisn saying that, because of the real actions of some who signed it, it was merely a stunt.


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