James Luther Adams: God
Mike Mallory, contributing to
UU-Leaders Digest, quotes James Luther Adams' definition of God:
God (or that in which we have faith) is the inescapable, commanding reality that sustains and transforms all meaningful existence. It is inescapable, for none can live without somehow coming to terms with it. It is commanding, for it provides the structure or the process through which existence is maintained and by which any meaningful achievement is realized. (Indeed every meaning in life is related to this commanding meaning that no one can manipulate and that stands beyond every merely personal preference or whim.) It is transforming, for it breaks through any given achievement, it invades any mind or heart open to it, luring it on to richer or more relevant achievement; it is a self-surpassing reality. God is that reality which works upon us and through us and in accord with which we can achieve truth, beauty and goodness. It is that creativity which works in nature and history, under certain conditions creating human good in human community
Something to ponder for those who are searching.
Thanks... I think UU's need to overlook the last generation of ministers and theologians for some reason (I could speculate)...
...we really need to talk and write about them more.
Also check Transforming Liberalism if haven't already.
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