Thursday, July 06, 2006

NYT: Homeless Alcoholics Receive a Permanent Place

Here's something in Seattle conservatives are just gonna hate (New York Times - free registration required) ...
Rodney Littlebear was a homeless drunk who for 15 years ran up the public tab with trips to jail, homeless shelters and emergency rooms.

He now has a brand-new, government-financed apartment where he can drink as much as he wants. It is part of a first-in-the-nation experiment to ease the torment of drug and alcohol addiction while saving taxpayers' money. ...

... The building's critics are particularly incensed that residents do not have to stay sober. The Seattle Times, in 2004, editorialized that government should insist that the residents quit drinking in order to live there.

The whole point, of course, is that they're not going to stop drinking, no matter how much anyone insists that they do. This way, at least they have a relatively safe place to live (and for many, that won't be too long of a time given their health conditions).

It must be a great feeling for some people to sit up on their high horses and criticize those whose lives don't quite measure up.


At 11:27 AM, Blogger Chalicechick said...

Seattle is one of the more liberal cities in the nation. It went almost 70-30 for Kerry.

It wasn't the conservatives who did this.

Sometimes, liberals are the bad guys.



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