Friday, November 09, 2007

The Religious Right and Moral Absolutes

Grandfather Tree discusses a question I've always found fascinating:
The problem that I have struggled with for a long time is to understand why folks on the "Christian right" have so adamantly and consistently fought against abortion, gay rights, and stem cell research, but are mostly silent on capital punishment, atrocities of war, and various governmental injustices. I just didn't make sense to me. After all, if they are against abortion because it is the killing of another human being, why aren't they equally against the invasion of Iraq or capital punishment, as both involve the intentional killing of human beings?
The writer goes on to talk about the Religious Right's problems with sex outside of marriage, homosexuality, and pretty much anything have to do with "normal" sex within marriage. That's been more my question: why the concentration on things related to sex, and not things related to, say, gang violence.

He touches on much of that in his posting.


At 8:39 AM, Blogger Bill Baar said...

point of calling abortion the murder of innocent life.

Capital punishment, of which some pro-lifers I know are also opposed too, would be the taking of a guilty life.

Embroynic stem cell research has been one issue that's made a social conservative out of me. It opens all of the questions of harvesting embroynic humans for all sorts of commercial purposes. That liberals so quickly dismiss this potential for raw Capitalist Commercialization has been a real surprize.

Social Conservatives have been far more thoughtful on all of the issues raised in your port, then liberals who tend to grossly generalize as with the differences between taking an innocent life in the womb vs a convicted serial killer.

I'm not big death penalty advocate but I sure see the differences.


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