The effect of advertising on kids
If you've never thought advertising had much of an effect on kids, check out this LA Times article ...Anything made by McDonald's tastes better, preschoolers said in a study that powerfully demonstrated how advertising could trick the taste buds of young children.Even carrots, milk and apple juice tasted better to the kids when they were wrapped in the familiar packaging of the Golden Arches.
The study had youngsters sample identical McDonald's foods in name-brand and unmarked wrappers. The unmarked foods always lost the taste test. ...
God, I saw that and just cringed!
Ha! My parents raised me and my brothers to think the opposite: we probably would have rated foods wrapped in McDonalds' paper as tasting WORSE just because of the packaging.
This reminds me that I want to write a post on aesthetics that are informed by ones beliefs and values.
I think what's most frightening is that these kids are preschoolers. They haven't even been alive for that long, and yet McDonald's has had that strong of an influence over them. I wonder how their parents would have rated in the same taste tests?
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